Monday, April 25, 2016





                 INTRODUCTION TO YOGA

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India. the origins of yoga have been speculated to date back to pre-vedic Indian traditions, is mentioned in the Rigveda. The yoga sutras of Patanjali date from the first half of the first millennium but only gained prominence in the West in the 20th century. In the 1980s yoga became popular as a system of physical excercise across the western world. Yoga in Indian traditions, however is more than physical excercise, it has a meditative and spiritual core. Yoga has its own spistemology and metaphysics.
       Swami Vivekanandha says that playing football and other activities, man became physically fit, by reading Bhagavatha, he became mentally fit, while doing yogic excercise he became physically, mentally and spiritually.

                      SURYA NAMASKAR

 Image result for high resolution images of SURYA NAMASKAR
      Surya namaskar or Sun Salutation is one of the most-knwon yoga routines. For good reason, as performing Surya Namaskar early in the morning can have several health benefits. The routine consists of 12 forward and backward bending movements that stretch and flex the spinal column. Its not that difficult to learn and great for beginners are looking to introduce themselves to yoga. Surya Namaskar has a deep effect in detoxifying the organs through copious exygenation and has a deeper relaxing effect.
       Surya Namaskar is the combination of physical activities and pranayamas. The steps for Surya Namaskar are:- 

1. Pranamasana
2. Hasta Uttanasana 
3. Pada Hastasana
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
5. Parvatasana
6. Sashtanga Namaskar
7. Bhujangasana
8. Parvatasana
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
10. Pada Hastasana
11. Hasta Uttanasana
12. Pranamasana


 Stand erect with feet together. Join the Palms together in front of the chest in a Namaskar Mudra. Concentrate on standing straight, steady and in a 
meditative mood. Breath slow and a steady. This posture helps to induce a state of introversion, relaxation and calmness.


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Stretch both arms above the head, palms facing upward. Arch the back and stretch the whole body. This posture stretches the chest and the abdomen and lifts the energy upwards to the upper parts of the body. Start inhaling as you stretch both arms and hold breath in the stretched arm position.


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Bend the body forward and down keeping the spine straight. Avoid collapsing the chest or over rounding the upper back. Keep the legs straight and perpendicular to the ground. The knees may be allowed to bend a little, if needed. this posture massages the abdominal organs. A healthy flow of blood is sent to the spinal nerves as they are stretched and toned. Start exhaling as as you bend forward and exhale fully as you reach the bent position.


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Extend the left leg back and drop the right knee to the ground. the right knee is bent up and kept between the palms and the right foot placed flat on the ground. Lift the spine and expand the chest. Look straight and concentrate at the center of eyebrows. Start inhaling and filly your lungs as you reach the position.


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Bring the right leg back to join with the left leg. simultaneously raise the buttocks and lower the head between the arms. So the body forms a triangle with the floor. Try to place the heels flat on the ground. Focus your awareness at the neck area. Start exhaling and completely exhale as you reach the posture. This posture strengthens the nerves and muscles in the arms and legs.


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Gently drop both knees to the ground and slowly slide the body down at an angle as you bring the chest and chin to the ground. All eght limbs-toes, knees, chest, hands and chin should touch the floor. The buttocks are kept up. This posture develops the chest and strengthens the arms. It sends additional blood to this area helping to rejuvenate the nerves. Breathing-keep the breath out in the exhaled position as you reach the posture and start inhaling as you move to the next posture.


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Lower the hips while pushing the chest forward and upward with the hands, until the fully arched and the head is facing up. The knees and lower abdomen remain above the floor. focus your awareness at the base of spine and feel the tension from the forward pull. This pose gives dynamic expansion to the organs of the chest and abdomen, relieving many ailments such as asthma, constipation, indigestion, kidney and liver problems. It is very helpful in relieving tension in the back muscles and spinal nerves. Breathing-start inhaling, fill lungs and hold breath as you stay in this posture.


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Move head backwards, keeping the palms flat touching the floor. Place both feet flat on the ground. Raise the buttocks and lower the head between the arms. this way you resume back to posture 5. Breathing start exhaling as you reach the position.


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Extend the right leg back and drop the left knee to the ground. the left knee is bent up and kept between the palms with the sole of left foot flat on ground. Look straight and concentrate at the center of eyebrows. Remember in posture 4 the right leg was bent and the left leg was stretched backward. Start inhaling as you take the position, hold breath for a few seconds.


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Bring the stretched right for forward. Join both legs and come back to postures. ie bend forward bring the head between the knees. start exhaling as you take the position. Remain in Bahya Kumbhak for a few seconds . You can also try this yoga asana for weight loss.


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Stretch arms backwards. Come back the posture 2. start inhaling as you reach the position. Stay in another Kumback for a few seconds.


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 Straighten the body and bring the hands infront of the chest.  Resume posture 1. Start exhaling as you bring the arms forward. Keep breathing normal in this position.


Surya Namaskar and the most asanas is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach. It is generally practiced in the morning before breakfast or in evening. Practicing up to 6 rounds is more beneficial. However, increase rounds gradually and steadily and never go beyond your capacity. It is recommended that Surya Namaskar be alone slowly with complete awareness of breathing. The gain  is more mental, physical and spiritual. Perform Shavasana or Yoga Nidra after completinf Surya Namaskar. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Constitution of India

The original text of the Preamble and artwork of Beohar Rammanohar Sinha, before the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It is a living document, the permanent instrument which makes the government system work. It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles and the duties of citizens. It is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world. The nation is governed on the basis of this Constitution.  Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is regarded as the chief architect of the Indian Constitution

Jawaharlal Nehru signing the Constitution
The constitution of India imparts constitutional supremacy and not parliamentary supremacy as it is not created by the Parliament but created by a constituent assembly and adopted by its people with a declaration in the preamble to the constitution. Parliamentcannot override the constitution.
The Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949, and came into effect on 26 January 1950. The date of 26 January was chosen to commemorate the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence of 1930. With its adoption, theUnion of India officially became the modern and contemporary Republic of India and it replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the country's fundamental governing document. To ensure constitutional autochthony, the framers of constitution repealed the prior Acts of the British Parliament via the Article 395 of the constitution. India celebrates the coming into force of the constitution on 26 January each year as Republic Day.
The Constitution declares India a sovereignseculardemocratic republic, assuring its citizens of justiceequality, and liberty, and endeavors to promote fraternity among them.